LifeFactor – Zembren




– Relaxation & calmness
– Memory & cognitive performance
– Better sleep quality
– Improves learning & executive functions
– Increased confidence & security
– Non habit forming relief
– Not a drug

Life Factor Zembren is formulated with the world’s only patented and clinically proven standardized extract of Sceletium tortuosum cactus. Targeting the feelings of anxiousness, Zembren is designed to quickly calm your mind and reduce stress in as little as 30 minutes. Each capsule contains the full clinical dosage of Sceletium tortuosum (25mg) and approved by the Ministry of Health.

Public speaking, flying, a job interview, corporate meetings, a major deadline or final exam, for those with occasional anxiety, these situations can trigger instant and overwhelming feelings of nervousness, apprehension, irritability and insecurity. Some simply cannot function.

Whether you are students, professionals or elderly, when your body is in a state of on-stress, cortisol level rise and hormone levels fluctuate. Consistently high stress levels can negatively affect your physical and mental state, which may lead to depression and other serious health problems.

Sceletium Tortuosum is an indigenous cactus plant grown in South Africa where it has been used for over 300 years to elevate mood, reduce stress and promote feelings of relaxation. Sceletium tortuosum has also been targeted due to its application in the help of neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULE is formulated with the world’s only patented and clinically proven standardised extract of Sceletium tortuosum (U.S. Patent #6,288,104, U.S. Patent #8,552,051), representing the full, unaltered phytochemical profile of the plant. Targeting the feelings of anxiousness from multiple pathways, LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULE is designed to quickly calm your mind. This natural product helps to replenish.

Remember that even if you have a lengthy history of stress and anxiety, always remind yourself to maintain a positive attitude, and realise that you truly can take productive steps forward to reduce your stress and anxiousness.

Before turning to the uncertainty of medication to treat anxiousness, confidently face your day with Zembren. This fast acting, non-drowsy formula is designed to quickly calm your mind, helping to replenish your body’s stress coping potential. Experience Zembren for experiential relief you can trust.

LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULE contains the full clinical dosage (25mg) of sceletium tortuosum and it is approved by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.

Relieve Stress for Better Sleep

Do you worry excessively about things that are unlikely to happen, or feel tense and anxious all day long, sometimes with no real reason? Everyone gets anxious sometimes, but if your worries and fears are so constant that they interfere with your ability to function and relax, you may have too much stress which is mentally and physically exhausting. It drains your energy, interferes with sleep, and wears your body out. But you can break free from chronic worrying and learn to calm your anxious mind

Used by the San Bushmen of South Africa, this Calming Cactus (scientifically known as Sceletium Tortuosum)elevates mood, restores energy and promotes tranquility. Since its discovery, scientists and clinicians have successfully manufactured Life factor Zembren Capsules.(the patented and standardised extract of Sceletium Tortuosum) and made them available at most pharmacies around the world.

Many professionals as well as students, young and old who are vulnerable to stress and situational anxiety, have benefitted from taking LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULES. The general effects experienced are an almost instant balance of calmness and optimum mental focus, and better quality sleep.

“I have been consuming LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULES for a month now. When I first took the capsule, the effect was within minutes. I felt as if my mind was cleared of all the obstructions caused by emotional stress, and I was pleasantly multitasking,” explained Ms Mahsan, who tutors at a local university. “I am happy and productive.”

LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULES has also made a mark in the world of anti-depressants. Think of depression and chances are that anti-depressants or selective serotonin reactive inhibitors (SSRIs) come to mind. They are prescribed drugs for the treatment of anxiety disorder.

According to the Malaysian Psychiatric Association, the number of Malaysians diagnosed with anxiety disorder is increasing.

LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN CAPSULES, on the other hand, is all natural, and it has been thoroughly studied for safety and efficacy in three published human clinical trials and carries the GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status in the USA. It has been shown to ncrease the levels of serotonin and serotonin neurotransmission with a rapid onset of action offering safe and non-habit forming relief.

LIFE FACTOR ZEMBREN capsules could be prescribed or recommended by a medical practitioner for stress relieve and to combat againstanxiety and low mood. They are now available without prescriptions in 30’s at selected pharmacies and clinics nationwide.

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Zembren – Single Pack, Zembren Twin Pack + 10 Free C

24 responses to “LifeFactor – Zembren”

  1. 现代人的我们似乎每周七天、每天24小时的生活方式如同陀螺一样,节奏不断加快,却从没有停下来休息,这些种种的繁忙无形中带给我很多隐形的压力。事实上,日积月累的压力在短时间没有存在感,不过当压力水平越来越高却不消失的时候,它给我的生活带来很多困扰、焦虑。为了解决这些因压力过大而不安及焦虑,我第一次接受同事的介绍,尝试zembren压力舒缓保健品。


    一开始的半信半疑,我还曾上网去查看其内含成分,原来所采用的Zembrin这种成分可以带来“平静且专注”的作用,这是从Sceletium tortuosum 植物中提取的一种标准化、特征化的专利成分。临床研究证实了安全性和耐受性,并且证实了摄入Zembrin这种成分可以对压力、情绪、应对紧急状况以及睡眠质量产生积极的效果(《替代和补充医学》杂志)。

  2. Zembrin, a natural product, give pleasant feel and calm emotion as well as help to relieve the stress in an effective way. Consume this provide a good quality sleep and sustain your energy throughout all the day. It also made from capsules, provided easily bring and consume it if needed.

  3. 很好的商品 ,我和我家人都很爱,效果也非常的好 还会再继续购买的 大家不妨试试看

  4. lepas saya makan ini senang untuk tidur tak payah setiap malam risau pastu semasa kerja lebih bersemangat tak mengantuk harga dia boleh terima juga sangat bagus daripada benda lain akan sambung makan lagi

  5. Ibu saya selepas guna ini semakin tidur dengan lena dan tidak mudah diganggu ibu sudah guna beberapa bulan .sampai sekarang dia rasa bagus lagi ,sesiapa yang nak cuba boleh cuba barang berkualiti!

  6. I have been diagnosed with psoriasis 3 years ago due to extreme stress. Almost everyday after work, my skin will have psoriasis flare up triggered by stress. I have tried so many creams and ointments to stop the itch but still no improvements. Through my many researches, the only way to relieve it is to de-stress and make my body relax internally. So instead of using medicines which contain steroid, I started to search for natural plant based cure. I found Zembren and tried. So after half an hour of intake, my nerves started to relax. And my itch also started to ease. Since then I have not only trusted this product but have recommended to many of my friends and bosses to try this product to de-stress. I am glad there is Zembren in the market to help people like me.

  7. I took this during an especially stressful week and I was able to handle the things that came my way without blowing my top off. I still experienced irritation and a throbbing temple though, which is why I rate it 3-stars. But it does help manage my stress a little better.

  8. I’ve always hated driving out during rush hours. The horrendous traffic jams annoy me to no end! But with Zembren, I can pop a pill after breakfast and it’s smooth sailing for me, even in truly horrid jams. It’s easier now to think of happy thoughts and wish the other drivers a safe journey. So zen now!

  9. LIFEFACTOR’S Zembren capsules contain Sceletium Tortuosum extract, stem and leaves. In other words, the extract is derived from a South African plant also known as ‘Kanna’ which has properties to elevate mood, decrease anxiety, stress and tension and to suppress appetite. Following instructions on the bottle, which is to take 1 capsule daily after breakfast, I have experienced a general sense of calmness at least for the first part of the day. Even if it happens to be a stressful day, these Zembren capsules have allowed me to stay relaxed and carry out tasks within my capacity without feeling too overwhelmed. Did not experience any side effects such as headaches or nausea, either.

  10. Sebelum ini saya mempunyai masalah kesukaran untuk tidur. Perlukan masa yang lama untuk melelapkan mata. Badan pula mudah letih dan fikiran juga terganggu. Ia seumpama memberi tekanan kepada saya. Sejak pengambilan Zembren kualiti tidur saya semakin baik dan pulih. Badan saya juga tidak mudah letih. Saya juga berfikiran positif dan banyak idea menarik untuk dibuat. Emosi saya juga tenang dan tidak terganggu. Dari segi pembungkusan, ia seperti biasa. Sama seperti produk makanan tambahan yang sebelum ini ada di pasaran.

  11. Apabila saya mengambil ZEMBREN , saya menjadi lebih bertenaga & kekal aktif sepanjang hari. Saya tidur malam dengan lena & tidak berasa mudah lesu di siang hari. Produk ini sangat bagus untuk wanita yang sangat sibuk disiang hari seperti saya.

  12. Suami saya mengamalkannya.
    Selepas seminggu pengambilan yang konsisten, tidurnya semakin lena tanpa gangguan.
    Dia juga kelihatan lebih fokus dalam kerjanya.
    Gembira melihat dia lebih mudah membantu anak2 dalam pelajaran serta proses mengulangkaji yang lebih lancar.

  13. This supplement works so gently, I wasn’t even aware of how well-rested I looked until a friend commented that I look much better these days. Been taking it for the past one and a half weeks together with my breakfast. It’s easier for me to sleep lately as I do not have worrying thoughts coming to mind when I sleep. And when I sleep, I can sleep right through until the morning without waking up intermittently in the night. I guess this contributes to the huge improvement in my looks.

    Thanks, Zembren!

  14. I had been struggling with sleepless night after my grandpa passed away in an incident. Lost in weight, foggy brain, extreme exhaustion and depression despite 8 hours of sleep a night. Thanks 100comments chooing me to try LIFEFACTOR’S Zembren capsules, i can feel a difference with 7 days consume. I felt much relax, calm my mind, better mood, nice sustained energy all day long and better in managing stress.

    This product is amazing and will continue to buy this again. It worth every penny.

  15. With the daily traffic jams and a million things clamoring for my time, I easily get agitated these days. I can literally feel my veins throbbing at my temples when confronted with such stressful situations. Sometimes, there is just no time to take a break and go for that cup of teh tarik. Luckily, there’s Zembren! I take a pill daily to help combat the stress. It took a few days for me to see the results. I’m calmer these days – not 100% zen-like – but it’s getting better every day. It’s easier to detach myself from being embroiled emotionally in these events and to remember to take deep breaths.

    I didn’t change anything in my diet or habits, except for Zembren. So yeah, it really does work!

  16. I have to admit that I was a little nervous about taking herbal pills cause I was worried that it was a scam. After a week I can say that Zembren Lifefactor pills do seem to work. I’m sleeping better then I used to and I no longer get migraines in the middle of the day. Pretty impressive for something made with herbal ingredients!

  17. Saya telah mencuba Lifefactor Zembren untuk memudahkan saya tidur dan mendapatkan tidur yang lena serta mencukupi dan ianya berkesan untuk saya. Ia dapat mengurangkan rasa mengantuk saya dan otak dapat rehat yang secukupnya serta rasa relaks.

  18. Saya mencuba produk ini hampir 2 minggu selepas menang contest dr…saya dapati waktu tidur saya sangat berkualiti dan bila bangun pagi sangat selesa kerana badan sudah kembali bertenaga.Saya juga kurang stress dan back to normal.Waktu yg diambil sekarang pula ketika bersahur.Sangat sangat berpuas hati dengan produk ini kerana membantu menghilangkan stress dan suami pun turut mengambilnya selepas melihat keberkesanan pada diri saya.Me and husband loves it

  19. I have just change to a new working environment and facing stressful in every single day. I try to take Lifefactor Zembren to improve this situation.
    The 2nd day I can feel the improvement especially in my sleep time. It help me more easier to sleep and make my sleep night become more quality. Thus, I can have more energy in the next morning.
    I will keep on to take this capsule as my daily supplement.

  20. 现代人的我们似乎每周七天、每天24小时的生活方式如同陀螺一样,节奏不断加快,却从没有停下来休息,这些种种的繁忙无形中带给我很多隐形的压力。事实上,日积月累的压力在短时间没有存在感,不过当压力水平越来越高却不消失的时候,它给我的生活带来很多困扰、焦虑。为了解决这些因压力过大而不安及焦虑,我第一次接受同事的介绍,尝试zembren压力舒缓保健品。


    一开始的半信半疑,我还曾上网去查看其内含成分,原来所采用的Zembrin这种成分可以带来“平静且专注”的作用,这是从Sceletium tortuosum 植物中提取的一种标准化、特征化的专利成分。临床研究证实了安全性和耐受性,并且证实了摄入Zembrin这种成分可以对压力、情绪、应对紧急状况以及睡眠质量产生积极的效果(《替代和补充医学》杂志)。

  21. 一開始使用這種產品時, 對它的效果有點半信半疑。

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