LifeFactor – TrueFlex




– Fast action for joint comfort
– Improves joint flexibility
– Inhibits cartridge degradation
– Clinically proven

Truflex is formulated with clinically proven Boswella serrata gum resin extract rich in AKBA and together with Boswellia serratta oil extract synergistically results in better absorption of AKBA. Truflex is a more powerful supplement for overall joint health compared to other existing Boswellia extracts.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disorder and is the most type of arthritis suffered by the old and the obese. Joint deterioration and inflammation are direct results of increased aging-related stress and the wear and tear of joints.

Osteoarthritis is brought about by cartilage breakdown and synovial proliferation which cause much pain and joint stiffness. Thus, OA sufferers are confined to an almost inoperative lifestyle as their condition worsens with physical activities.


5-LOX is a member of the lipoxy-genase family of enzymes. 5-LOX itself facilitates undesirable cell division changes, It also plays a key role in the biosynthesis of pro-inflammatory compounds ( leukotrienes) that mediate attacks to joints, arterial walls, and other tissues. The typical modern diet rich red meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products, trigger the body to produce more 5-LOX, worsening the inflammation progress.

Matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3) is an enzyme that breakdown proteins and peptides in the synovial tissues in response to inflammation, and that leads to cartilage destruction in RA and OA. In the extracellular space, MMP-3 triggers microglia to produce pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic molecules which further degrade cartilage matrix and other components of connective tissue in the joints.


In recent years, the gum resin extracted from the ancient plant, Boswellia Seratta, has gained considerable attention as a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic agent. 3-0-acetyl-11-keto-beta boswellic acid (AKBA) is the most active compound of Boswellia extract and is a potent inhibitor of 5-lopoxygenase (5-LOX) and MMP-3.


TRUFLEX is formulated with clinically proven Boswellia serrata gum resin extract rich in AKBA. Unlike other Boswellia serrata extracts which have poorer bioavailability, TRUFLEX employs a patented enrichment process, selecting the most active AKBA and blend it with the know-how Boswellia seratta non-volatile oil extract. This synergistic composition results at least 20% bioactive AKBA for direct absorption, making TRUFLEX a more powerful ingredient for overall joint health, far more efficacious compared to the existing Boswellia extracts

Additional information


TrueFlex – Single Pack, TrueFlex Twin Pack + 10 Free C

43 responses to “LifeFactor – TrueFlex”

  1. Saya pernah jatuh di tangga di tempat kerja saya dan pernah mengalami terseliuh yang teruk.Sehingga sebelum saya mencuba produk ini,masih terasa sengal- sengal lagi di kaki saya.Tapi apabila saya dapat mencuba Lifefactor Truflex masalah sengal-sengal sendi saya berkurangan dan saya akan terus berterusan mengamalkan produk ini sehingga kaki saya sembuh

  2. Due to my working condition that always required me to lift up heavy stuffs, I was suffering knee and back pain since three years ago. I had tried out few other joint health supplements but it does not help much. Until sent me Lifefactor Truflex, 30 tablets for 1 month supply and 1 tablet per day.

    Lifefactor Truflex really works, i noticed a difference within the two week instead of a month and noticeable decrease in pain. Now, the pain has almost gone away! No more sleepless night and i felt more comfortable to walk and climb up the stair.

    What a wonderful product! The cons is its slightly pricey for me and i would happy if there is any discount voucher is available or larger size is available in the market. I will certainly continue to use Lifefactor Truflex in the future.

  3. Lifefactor Truflex is the best joint health supplement i ever had. I have a really bad knee, aches and gets sore when i walk since ten years ago. After taking Lifefactor Truflex’s tablet for continuously 2 weeks, I can see the improvement and noticed less cracking of my joints.

    I was so amazed with Lifefactor Truflex because it is safe to consume it in long run. 100% natural plant ingredients Boswellia serrata gum resin extract which has no side effect to body, easier to swallow, easy to serve with just one tablet per day and fast healing.

  4. Saya mengalami sakit sendi di bahagian lutut selepas melahirkan anak pada tahun lepas. Doktor mengatakan kemungkinan saya kekurangan kalsium dalam badan. Saya hanya mengambil pil kalsium untuk tambahan dan menggunakan krim sapu di lutut untuk menghilangkan sakit sendi di lutut. Selepas mengamalkan Lifefactor Truflex selama seminggu, sendi di lutut saya semakin sembuh dan kini saya bole mendukung anak saya dalam jangka masa yang lama berbanding sebelum ini, saya tidak boleh mendukung anak kerana berasa sakit di bahagian lutut. Kini saya semakin sihat dan berasa yakin untuk berjalan jauh. Terima Kasih Lifefactor Truflex.

  5. I have joint pain problem since last year. But I haven’t tried any supplements to cure it. After I tried this for 1 week plus, i can feel my joint pain problem reduced especially during the time I am climbing up staircase. Although the price is a bit pricey, but I will continue to consume it till i don’t have any joint pain problem anymore.

  6. Lifefactor Truflex is a good product and suitable for those who have join pain as it helps to heal in faster and safer way which is highly recommend to everyone. Besides that, I always have the pain when I climb the upstairs but after taking it for about one week, I can feel the difference as I am not tired and feel so energetic. The pain also has been reduce a bit and there’s no more swelling as I feel really good to have it every day. It is very mild and comes with the capsules which is very convenient to to take it with water. There’s no any side effects and I feel really happy with the results. In order to see the great results I also do exercise as it strengthen the bone as well as gives the overall health benefits. Indeed a great relief of join and muscular pain. The packaging also very nice and easy for me to put it inside my bag. So let’s try it together and feel the amazing benefits. I am sure after this you can walk, run and climb without any pain.

  7. Lifefactor Truflex is the best choice for those who are suffering from muscular or joint pain as it gives a great relief. Besides that, it is safe to take daily with water as it is very mild and does not harm our health. The packaging also very good and it comes with a bottle which was sealed nicely and easy to place in the cupboard. There are 30 vegetable capsules in the bottle and I always take one capsule in a day to feel the great benefits. Besides that, this is a traditional medicine and should be kept in the dry place as well as protect from light and moisture. While having this capsule, it is advisable to do some exercise as you can feel the great benefits which improve overall health. The packaging also very nice and convenient to bring along anywhere as it is lightweight. The capsule does not have any bitter taste and it is original. Let’s try it as you can feel your body is energetic and feel active to move around. I even feel light and easy to climb many staircase without any worries. No more swelling around the leg and ankle and definitely worth to try. Highly recommend.

    Walaupun masih muda saya sering mengalami sakit lutut apabila berjalan lama dan naik tangga. Malahan, saya sentiasa berasa penat, letih dan sakit badan kerana tempat kerja yang jauh dan sampai ke rumah lewat.. Apabila saya mengamalkan produk kesihatan Lifefactor truflex ini, saya berasa bertenaga dan cergas untuk melakukan aktiviti harian biasa saya serta tiada lagi sakit lutut dan sengal badan.

  9. I lead an active lifestyle hence I suffer from joint stiffness and muscle soreness frequently. Most of the times, I don’t recover fast enough. And recently, I experience from cracking and grinding sound in my knees everytime I take on the stairs or just standing up after sitting down. This has kept me worried.

    I’m fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to try Truflex. It’s in capsule form, easy to swallow, no strong smell and the best part is it needs to be taken only once a day. After around 10 days, I started to notice there is less cracking and grinding sound from my knee joints. My joints are also less stiff in the morning. This product definitely works so far. One bottle has 30 capsules. I’m confident after 30 days, there would be more significant improvement.

  10. Terima kasih Lifefactor Truflex kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk mencuba produk sakit lutut yang sangat bagus ini. Saya memberinya kepada ibu untuk mencuba produk sakit sendi ini memandangkan ibu saya mengalami masalah sakit sendi di lutut yang agak teruk kerana jatuh selepas keluar dari bilik air tempoh hari.

    Setelah mengamalkan produk ini selama hampir 2 minggu. Ibu saya telah rasa akan perubahan sakit yang dialaminya itu. Sendi lututnya semakin baik dan tidak sakit lagi seperti sebelum ini. Sehingga kini, ibu masih meneruskan makan produk ini. Saya percaya, produk sakit sendi lutut ini sangat berkesan, semulajadi dan tiada kesan sampingan. Terima kasih juga Lifefactor Truflex kerana mengeluarkan produk yang senang untuk dimakan kerana ianya di dalam bentuk tablet dan ianya mudah di bawa ke mana sahaja.

  11. I bought this product to relieved my knee pain. I have tried a few products like glucosamine but not very effective. These one really helped with my pain after taken it for a week. When i bent my knees , it really not so painful. Now I even bought it for my mom and dad to add in to thier supplements routines.

  12. Dengan mengunakan truflex masalah sy selesai apabila tiada lagi lenguh2 sendi, sakit tumit dan lutut. Highly recommended.

  13. Sya mengalami mslh join pada sendi….sy menemukan lifefactor truflex membnatu menyelesaikan masalah sy dgn baik

  14. ibu saya mengalami masalah sakit sendi . tapi selepas ibu makan produk ni . ibu dah boleh jalan macam biasa .

  15. Product ini telah mengubah aktiviti harian saya,ini kerana Segala Rasa sakit Yang dialami Oleh saya sebelum ini semakin berkurang.dengan adanya product ini saya kini mudah untuk melakukan pelbagai jenis aktiviti sewaktu berada Di luar rumah.saya juga berasa lebih sihat Dan cergas.saya amat gembira dengan kewujudan product ini .

  16. Sangat berkesan apabila saya memakainya kerana dapat mengurangkan sakit sendi dan menambah kesihatan saya.sesuai juga untuk seisi keluarga.

  17. I’m really fortunate to find Truflex as a supplement. As a person with active lifestyle, joint pain is unavoidable and it really ruin my routine. Truflex comes in capsule form, it is easy to swallow and only one capsule is needed for each day. After around 10 days, I noticed that my pain has reduced gradually. My joints are also less stiff in the morning. This product definitely works so far. After i finish one bottle, i really feel the improvement. Big suggest

  18. Mlegakan sakit tulang.. Membantu mendinginkan gout.. Hasil yg bagus dan bermanfaat kepada seisi keluarga

  19. Melegakan sakit sendi secara perlahan-lahan. Kena guna secara konsisten baru dapat hasil yang cepat. Sesuai untuk semua seisi keluarga.

  20. Apabila saya makan ubat ini sakit sendi saya sudah hilang,saya terkejut dengan tindak balas ubat ini yang begitu cepat. Harganya juga berpatutan dan amat cepat menghilangkan rasa sakit di sendi sendi saya.. Terima kasih truflex kerana bantu saya

  21. Very good product. As a person with active lifestyle, joint pain is unavoidable. Truflex comes in capsule form, it is easy to swallow and only one capsule is needed for each day. After around 10 days, I noticed that my pain has reduced gradually. My joints are also less stiff in the morning. This product definitely works so far. After i finish one bottle, i really feel the improvement. Big suggest for those with joint pain

  22. OMGGG very love of tis product,because it already reduce my problem ,very suggest to buy tis product,must buy!

  23. I am a badminton lover and I play badminton 2times a week. I am facing a joint pain on my left knee because a pressure of exercise and consumption. Until I found Lifefactor Truflex, it completely heal my joint pain in only 1week. My knee feel great now and I can enjoy my badminton life A very recommended product.

  24. TRUFLEX sangat membantu ketika saya melakukan senaman di gym lalu otot saya keesokan harinya otot saya membengkak dan saya diperkenalkan TRUFLEX.Dalam masa 2 minggu saya menggunakan TRUFLEX otot2 saya sudah sembuh seperti sediakala.sekarang saya boleh bersenam seperti biasa.Terima kasih TRUFLEX kerana ia sangat membantu.

  25. Dulu saya selalu sakit sendi sendi selepas bersenam, tapi sejak menggunakan Lifefactor Truflex ni rasa lenguh sendi sudah kurang

  26. Saya seorang yang berbadan besar tapi minat bersukan. Kaki terseliuh selalu saya alami so this product really help me on recovering my knee yng terseliuh. Ia nya mudah dan pada saya cepat memberi kesan kalau dipakai mengikut prosuder

  27. Sebagai pelari memang tak boleh lari dari sakit-sakit sendi. Selepas menggunakan produk ni. Sakit sendi hilang dengan cepat. Produk patut cuba

  28. Hi aleng ikem na dahak najek halem ket nun tua, neseak ke anih bareng Ihek neh TRU FLEX … terrrrrbaik beb

  29. Tiada lagi kesakitan pada sendi dan tulang dengan Tru Flex.Produk kesihatan yang baik untuk sendi serta kehidupan seharian.

  30. Gunalah produk ni. Memang mujarab sentiasa. Saya selalu bersukan, selepas bersukan otot selalu kejang. Balik rumaha asyik nak suruh orang urut ja. Tapi lepas guna ubat ni. Saya pulak yang urut kan diorang sebab produk ni sangat bagus untuk otot kita . Ia mengembalikan sel sel tisu kita menjadi lebih kuat.

  31. Dulu saya sering mengalami masalah sakit sendi tulang, tapi sekarang sejak saya mengamalkan Lifefactor Trueflex ni, kesakitan yang saya alami ini sudah berkurang dan saya kembali aktif seperti biasa. Saya syorkan produk ini kepada semua yg aktif bersukan dan warga tua. Saya dah cuba. Anda bagaimana?

  32. Mak sy selalu sakit belakang, biasalah org berusia kan. Tp dengan adanya Lifefactor ni dah tak sakit dah. Ubat ni memang berkesan melegakan sakit sakit mcm ni. Skrg mak sy dah tak mengadu sakit lagi. Sesiapa yg mengalami sakit mcm ni boleh la cuba, dijamin tak menyesal

  33. saya gunakan produk ni disaat keletihan,lesu dan sengal2 badan,sangat membantu dalam masalah sakit sendi dan tulang,sesuai bagi golongan yang berumur seperti saya

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